The Colours of Oz

The Ctreatures that make up the Character of our Nature

Archive for July 2010

Ichneumon Wasp

Another beautiful Wasp, elegant and colourful. And they don’t sting, they just fly around doing wasp things. Like exploring, eating, sleeping and all the other things creatures do. Just like me and you.


A collection of Grasshoppers from the year just gone. They come in all colours and sizes and will eat all the vegetables if allowed to.

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Odds 8

The little creatures are everywhere, when you take the time to just look and see. Neon Cuckoo Wasp captured by a black Assassin Bug on the power pole in the car park. Mosquito resting on a yellow flower. A Green Leaf Beetle wandering about the fallen leaves. The Droptail Lizard lying in the sun on the stairway. A Fly blowing bubbles on a leaf in the garden. Some of our tiny relatives, since we all live on the same Earth.

Unusual Fly

Written by Mark

July 15, 2010 at 10:15 pm

Odds from Roundabouts

It never ceases to amaze me the endless variety of form and colour of the small nature at our feet. It’s everywhere to be seen at different times and yet so few see it.